Utility Bill Information & Bill Payments

Pay Your Utility Bill Here

Water, Sewer & Trash bills are mailed out the first week of the month and due the 25th of each month.

Water rates are $4.20 per thousand gallons used
Sewer rates are $4.20 per thousand gallons used
Base Water Rate is $12.54 per month
Base Sewer Rate is $30.80 per month
Construction Improvement Fund $4.00 per month
Trash Fee is $13.23 per month. Generally trash pick-up is at approximately 7:00 a.m.
Trash Service is provided by Moring Disposal (815) 938-3602

  • Bills can be paid at Village Hall during business hours (Monday through Friday 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM) by check, debit or credit card.
  • You may drop off your payment at the drop boxes outside Village Hall at any time.
  • You can pay your bill online by clicking the “Pay Online” link on the left side of the web page. Payments are accepted by using your credit/debit card or checking account.
  • Auto Pay is now available! Your monthly utility bill can now be automatically drawn from your checking account each month.

Should you have questions regarding your Utility Bill contact Yvonne at Village Hall Monday thru Friday 815-645- 2200